Subliminal CDs Scripts
Subliminal CDs are designed to positively “re-program” your mind using a very effective modern technology and scripts that are created to support you in making permanent positive changes.
Working with hundreds of personal clients and leading numerous seminars, we have encountered specific themes of “recorded” messages from the past, that were created while people were interacting with their parents, teachers and friends. These “recordings” often trigger a number of negative perceptions and create hidden self-limiting programs, stress and over-reactions that control your decisions today without you being 100% aware of it. Reaching subliminal level of your mind is a powerful tool that can profoundly impact your healing and transformation.
CD1: Organized, Valued, Stress Free
This recording is designed to help you get organized and focused with your every day tasks and your big visions. Listening to this set of affirmations helps re-programming your mind to value and communicate your needs, ideas and talents, choose activities that promote you and your highest values, attract support and complete all the projects that are important to you. You have unlimited ability to realize your goals. This program empowers you with focused mental energy, confidence and courage to increase your productivity, while making you feel good about yourself and compassionate toward others. It helps attain a strong belief in yourself, abundant enthusiasm and unstoppable motivation to move toward your goals.
Personal Foundation
1. I vibrate the highest values that are in my best interest
2. I create simplicity in my life
3. I have very clear boundaries. I live by them all the time
4. I easily change environment to fit my needs
5. All my conscious and unconscious needs are always met
CD 2: Tidy, Attentive and Effective: Positive thoughts for children, teenagers and inner children
This recording is designed to help children of all ages to find peace and balance. It helps them feel loved, communicate clearly and openly, take care of themselves and their environments, make friends, succeed in school and make choices that support their desire for acceptance and respect.
1. I have strong boundaries
2. All my needs are always met in healthy ways
3. I am enough
4. I live in a great home
5. I promptly take care of myself
CD 3: Confident, Decisive, Outspoken – High Self-Esteem Download
This set of positive thoughts for skyrocketing your self-esteem helps you see your unique true self, so you can move forward with power and confidence. As you re-program your mind to see how life supports you in every possible way, you start realising that you have a freedom of choice here and now and your possibilities are limitless! This program is designed to help you trust and act on your intuition, fully express your true Self each and every moment, and completely believe in yourself and your highest potential!
1. I am the unique creation of Divine!
2. I am the Creator of my joyful Life!
3. I move forward with power and confidence
4. I am safe, divinely protected and guided
5. I trust my divine guidance
CD 4: Love, Loved, Loving – Nurturing Mind Set for Peace, Focus and Happiness
This recording is designed to nurture you from within. It helps recognize the power of unconditional love and begin seeing better choices available to you at all times. Appreciating and accepting yourself, noticing abundance in everything and everywhere, sincerely expressing gratitude and feeling infinite love and guidance in each moment helps you surrender to Divine order and enjoy being in a Flow of life.
1. I am love. I emanate love!
2. I am always surrounded by love!
3. I am unique and perfect just the way I am
4. I am created in God’s image.
5. My divine and human nature are harmoniously manifested in my life.
CD 5: Attractive, Youthful, Joyful: Awaken & Express Your True Potential for Health and Beauty
1. I am at home in my body.
2. I am grounded and connected to the earth.
3. I am the master of my universe.
4. I am confident. I love who I am.
5. I deeply love and appreciate my life.
CD 6: Attractive, Youthful, Joyful: Awaken & Express Your True Potential for Health and Beauty
1. I am at home in my body.
2. I am grounded and connected to the earth.
3. I am the master of my universe.
4. I am confident. I love who I am.
5. I deeply love and appreciate my life.
Below are the full scripts for all 6 subliminal CDs. All scripts are copyrighted by Lana Pritzker, Barry Bettman and Hema Simondes. We are the only company on the market that allow you to see all the scripted messages in full. We truly believe you have the right to know and chose the script that is right for you. Order your CD on line at or call Lana at 847-414-3730. Feel free to use these scripts with the full attribution to Lana Pritzker, and come back to this page to use the full scripts below for your transformation.
Tidy, Attentive, Effective
Joyful Child Mind Set for PEACE, FOCUS AND HAPPINESS
1. I have strong boundaries
2. All my needs are always met in healthy ways
3. I am enough
4. I live in a great home
5. I promptly take care of myself
6. I do everything on time
7. I ask effectively for what I need
8. I am generous to myself and others
9. I communicate clearly and openly
10. I know what I want
11. I act when I am ready
12. I think and do what is important to me
13. I let go of all judgments
14. I feel balance in my body
15. I choose happy thoughts that support me
16. I explore and see all my options clearly
17. I express my feelings wisely and calmly
18. My feelings are important
19. I do all my school work and homework on time
20. I save all my computer files regularly
21. I organize my school papers nicely
22. I choose members of my team well
23. I share my teamwork with others
24. I love and care for myself
25. I love being in the school
26. I have lots of friends
27. I am focused and successful at school
28. I love my room at home
29. I love my family
30. I always feel loved
31. I live in a safe loving home
Organized, Valued, Stress Free
Positive Adult Mind Set for PEACE, FOCUS AND HAPPINESS
Personal Foundation
1. I vibrate the highest values that are in my best interest
2. I create simplicity in my life
3. I have very clear boundaries. I live by them all the time
4. I easily change environment to fit my needs
5. All my conscious and unconscious needs are always met
6. I am enough
7. I respect and value myself. I live with integrity
8. I communicate clearly and openly
9. I act only when I am ready
10. I am connected to my vision.
11. I am able to process the details of my big picture
12. I am highly creative
13. I smoothly shift my focus from one task to another
14. I easily make decisions based on my intuition
15. I act on my intuition
16. I release all judgments of myself and others
17. My body knows how to feel balance
18. I feel balanced in my body
19. I choose thoughts that support me in the moment
20. I am able to explore and see all my options clearly
21. I feel fully in the moment
22. I value and respect my emotions
23. I trust my emotional guidance
Being Organized: Stress Reduction
1. I save all my computer files regularly
2. I use automated back up system on my computer
3. I know and act upon my success strategies
4. I promptly take care of my business
5. I am thoroughly prepared for all my appointment ahead of time
6. I am always on time
7. I use reliable transportation
8. I consistently create active and passive revenues
9. I am consistently organized
10. I remember where I put my things
11. I use credit cards wisely
12. I pay my bills on time
13. I use automated systems to pay my bills
14. I have a clean tidy home
15. I use automatic reminders
16. I have terrific filing systems
17. I easily utilize organizing structures
18. All my things are well organized
19. I use all my resources including time, space, money, and energy productively
Experts Help/ Support/ Delegation
1. I easily find affordable experts when I need help
2. I am aware of resources and help available to me
3. It is easy for me to ask for help
4. I have a team to help me get my tasks done
5. I feel confident when others help me
6. I allow the perfect people to show up for my team
7. I have a team of experts who enjoy tasks that I delegate to them
8. I use trustworthy resources
Self-care/ Energy level
1. I clearly ask for what I want
2. I keep my word
3. I promise only when it feels right for me
4. I know what is optimal for me
5. I watch only the best television programs
6. I am aware of the signals in my body and respond with love
7. I chose vibrant living foods
8. I feel and stop when I am full
9. I have healthy habits
10. I notice sources of stress in my life and reduce or eliminate them
11. I have great affordable insurance
12. I love and nurture myself
13. I have a healthy lifestyle that support high quality of my life
14. I visit trustworthy health adviser when I need
Satisfaction/ Fulfillment
1. I have fulfilling carrier
2. I am focused and financially successful
3. I create a loving beautiful home
4. I live in a safe place
5. I have supportive community of friends and neighbors
6. I look forward to miracles every day
7. I know what I like and enjoy it often
8. I live in love and gratitude
9. I enjoy every day of my life
10. I am consistently successful in all that I experience
11. I have a generous loving family
12. I have loyal customers, clients, and colleagues
13. I proudly stand up for myself.
14. I am an inspiration for myself and others
Confident, Decisive, Outspoken
1. I am the unique creation of Divine!
2. I am the Creator of my joyful Life!
3. I move forward with power and confidence
4. I am safe, divinely protected and guided
5. I trust my divine guidance
6. I honor who I am
7. Life supports me in every possible way
8. I have a freedom of choice here and now!
9. I choose my thoughts, feelings, emotions and actions!
10. I am confident and loving!
11. My potential is huge!
12. I trust and approve of myself
13. I am accepted all the time
14. I respect all my feelings
15. I am confident to find solutions to any problem
16. I enjoy my life all the time!
17. I believe in full realization of my dreams
18. My self-esteem blossoms every moment!
19. My inspiration and my creative possibilities are limitless!
20. I completely believe in myself
21. I am my highest potential!
22. I fully express my true Self each and every moment.
23. I value each moment and I am grateful for my life.
24. My consciousness is expanded each moment!
25. I respect and accept myself and others!
26. I use all my talents, abilities and potentials wisely and effectively!
27. I believe in my purpose in Life!
28. I am a divine child of God, loved and protected!
29. I know my talents and I use them effectively!
30. I always think about myself positively!
31. I use all my resources: energy, time, money and potentials wisely and effectively!
32. I know, follow and manifest my dreams!
33. I am happy simply because I am!
34. I choose to feel good about myself
35. I create joyfully and consciously!
36. My creative energy generates happiness and success for me and others!
37. I help people sincerely and with joy when I can!
38. I forgive myself and others for oversights and mistakes!
39. I learn my essential nature through each moment of life!
40. My divine and human nature are harmoniously manifested throughout my life
41. Creative life energy flows easily through me
42. I create greatness for myself and for the world!
43. I live each moment with love and appreciation!
44. I release my past judgments with the love and appreciation.
45. Living in a present, I perceive future with the love and appreciation.
46. I love and appreciate myself, people, nature, life, and God.
47. I create my life with gratitude.
48. I experience the wholeness of life.
49. I am in harmony with Divine Energy of God.
50. I am totally adequate for all situations
51. I am happy, loved, and acknowledged right now!
52. I easily and consciously notice my ego.
53. I choose to live in my highest true self free of Ego.
54. I easily distinguish between the voice of my heart and the voice of the ego in
myself and other people.
55. I am free from any attachments and live on the earth easily and joyfully.
56. I always have everything necessary for creative and happy life on Earth
57. I use the advantage of present day technologies wisely!
58. I accept and stand in my divine power
59. I create and enjoy successes!
60. I am worthy of my own love and love of others
61. I choose enjoyment in every moment
62. I choose peacefulness
Love, Loved, Loving
1. I am love. I emanate love!
2. I am always surrounded by love!
3. I am unique and perfect just the way I am
4. I am created in God’s image.
5. My divine and human nature are harmoniously manifested in my life.
6. I am a divine human being!
7. I always differentiate between my true higher self and my ego
8. I love and appreciate who I am
9. I always manifest only my true self.
10. I am aware of my ego and I choose consciously instead.
11. I easily distinguish the voice of my heart from the voice of my ego.
12. I let others be who they are.
13. I always have everything I need
14. I manifest everything necessary for my creative and happy life here and now.
15. I creatively manifest my thoughts, feelings, actions, experiences, knowledge into
material abundance here and now.
16. I have strong and loving support systems
17. I receive loving help when I need it
18. I release all my conditioning and interpretations
19. I am safe and loved unconditionally
20. I release my expectations of how things should be.
21. I express myself powerfully
22. I am gentle and loving with myself
23. I love and accept my family for who they are.
24. I am free from any illusions of needing something to be complete
25. I live on the Earth easily and joyfully.
26. I love and accept people just the way they are
27. Each person in my life has a divine purpose.
28. I allow myself and other people learn from mistakes.
29. I trust my inner guidance to know the bigger picture and make wise decisions!
30. I manifest my higher values in every moment.
31. I love learning!
32. I find happiness in every moment
33. I love and serve myself and others unconditionally
34. I attract positive people, events, and behaviours by my highest vibrations
35. I respond to people, events, and behaviours with the fullness of my being
36. I know my true self through being present in every moment!
37. I easily express my best highest intentions!
38. I am a gifted talented person!
39. I emit light, love, and kindness in each thought, word and action!
40. As I love myself, I love others. As I love others, I love myself.
41. I trust my intuition and I always act on it
42. I think and speak about myself positively!
43. I make healthy choices in every aspect of my life
44. I exercise regularly and with pleasure!
45. I listen to my body communications and respond wisely!
46. I understand and trust my emotional guidance.
47. I choose thoughts, feelings, and emotions that support my higher self
48. I value and act upon my highest intentions and dreams.
49. I am a spiritual being integrating all time, space, and situations.
50. All my spiritual needs are satisfied!
51. I trust my true feelings and I follow my heart desires!
52. I take care of my physical, mental and emotional health wisely and effectively!
53. I love and I am being loved unconditionally
54. My love is divine, generous, joyful, wise and true!
55. I am becoming wiser and more intuitive every moment!
56. I allow people to have an opinion, different from mine.
57. I forgive myself for all kinds of mistakes and blunders consciously and sincerely
58. I appreciate and learn from all my experiences.
59. I am insightful
60. I resolve all negative feelings and emotional charges
61. Universe supports my highest intentions
62. My life is abundant and happy!
63. I notice abundance in everything and everywhere
64. I express my gratitude sincerely!
65. I feel infinite love and guidance in each moment.
66. I feel infinite love and gratitude in each moment.
67. I surrender to divine order
68. I am in a flow of life
Attractive, Youthful, Joyful: Awaken & Express Your True Potential for Health and Beauty
1. I am at home in my body.
2. I am grounded and connected to the earth.
3. I am the master of my universe.
4. I am confident. I love who I am.
5. I deeply love and appreciate my life.
6. I celebrate my excellent health.
7. I love how I look and feel.
8. I take great loving care of myself.
9. I am free and vibrant now.
10. I am fully present and blissful in my body.
11. I feel good in my body all the time.
12. Physical transformation happens easily for me.
13. All my senses are fully awakened.
14. I am always guided by my intuition.
15. My life unfolds perfectly forever.
16. I am beautiful, powerful and dynamic.
17. I am radiant, expressive and creative.
18. I am youthful, attractive and exquisite.
19. My posture is efficient, flexible and dynamic.
20. My voice communicates truth, love and beauty.
21. My emotions guide and uplift me.
22. I express the love and kindness that I am.
23. I live an inspired and motivated life.
24. I am calm and centered.
25. I am playful, joyous, and optimistic.
26. I am peace and harmony.
27. I am forgiving of myself and others.
28. I am happy, relaxed, and easygoing.
29. I see lightness and humor in everything.
30. I instantly recognize and let go of illusions.
31. I am free of addictive thoughts and actions.
32. I ask for and receive support when I need it.
33. I lovingly reward myself.
34. I deserve and receive the best all the time.
Attunement to my Miraculous Body: Joy of Living in Balance and Harmony
35. I am in tune with my miraculous body.
36. My senses are fully awake and connected to all life.
37. I have an abundance of energy & vitality.
38. My every breath inspires and energizes my life.
39. My cells are healthy, happy, and vibrate fully with life force energy.
40. I have excellent digestion, assimilation and elimination.
41. I have a strong effective immune system.
42. All my body systems function optimally.
43. I am committed to living a healthy lifestyle.
44. Movement and exercise are well integrated in my life.
45. I realize and enjoy immediate benefits from my ideal fitness program.
46. I build and maintain a strong and healthy body.
47. I am fit, toned, and flexible.
48. I eat fresh foods full of life force energy and nutrients.
49. I always fully enjoy and easily metabolize what I consume.
50. I always eat and drink appropriate amounts of foods and water.
51. I sleep well and wake up refreshed.
52. I engage in healthy daily habits.
53. My meditations are effective and ecstatic.
54. My energy is strong and optimally balanced.
55. Nature delights and nourishes me all the time.
56. I flow with my natural rhythms.
57. I move and dance ecstatically.
58. I sing the music of my heart.
59. I get plenty of fresh air and sunshine.
60. All elements of my life are in balance.
61. I live in beautiful, uplifting environments.
62. I naturally attract and nurture extraordinary relationships.
63. All my relationships enlighten and enliven me.
64. I magnetize, welcome, and embrace tender loving touch.
65. I enjoy my sensuality.
66. I enjoy a fulfilling, vibrant, playful sex life.
67. I am grateful for my body that is my vehicle for consciousness.
68. My body is a hologram of the universe.
69. I magnetize and emanate loving Life force energy.
70. My vital energy field is strong and intact.
71. I am a resourceful multidimensional being.
72. I play in other energetic realms naturally and easily.
73. I am ageless and timeless.
74. I am divine pure light expressed as ideal physical form.